What is the Secret to a Well-Functioning Septic System?

What is the Secret to a Well-Functioning Septic System?

Posted by on 2023-11-21

The key to a well-running septic system is regular maintenance and care. Proper installation of the system, using quality materials and components, is also essential. To extend the life of your septic system, it is important to discern its location so that it can be properly serviced. Additionally, it is helpful to know what items should not be flushed down the toilet or drains in order to avoid clogs and backups.

It is recommended that you have your septic system inspected every three years by a professional who can check for leaks and other problems. During this inspection they will also pump out the tank if necessary. This will help prevent solids from building up in your tank which could lead to malfunctioning or failure. It is also important to preserve the area around your tanks by keeping heavy vehicles away and avoiding overloading with vegetation or trees which could damage the pipes and drain fields.

Finally, try to conserve water usage as much as possible since excess water can cause problems with your septic system including overflows and backups. To keep things running smoothly at all times, follow these simple steps for a healthy functioning septic system!