Septic Tank Pumping

Septic Tank Pumping

Septic tank pumping is an essential part of keeping your septic system in optimal condition. A regular maintenance schedule ensures that the tanks are properly emptied, allowing for the efficient functioning of your septic system. The process involves removing built-up waste and debris from the bottom of the tank so that it does not cause a blockage or overflow. The frequency of pumping depends upon a variety of factors, including the size of the tank and its usage level. By having your tanks pumped regularly, you can help to prevent costly repairs down the line and keep your system running smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the size of your tank and household usage, pumping may be required every 3-5 years.
A complete septic system service includes an inspection of all components such as the lids, distribution box, pump chamber, lines and drain field.
Some signs include slow draining toilets or sinks, gurgling sounds from the pipes when water is running and a strong odor coming from the drain field area.
In general, adding additives or chemicals to your septic tank is not necessary and can actually cause harm by killing natural bacteria that help break down solids in your tank.
Look for a reputable company with experience servicing residential systems who will provide you with quality workmanship at a fair price.